Sunday, April 30, 2006

'Jangadeiros' -fishermen- in a small fishing village next to canoa quebrada, in the state of ceara, in the north of brasil. these boats are called 'jangadas', and they are simple, effective and elegant sea vessels, made locally out of local tree trunks and strong cloth sails. the sails can get very colourful, advertising a wide range of brands, and the fishermen compete with one another for who has the 'prettiest' sail. the jangadas set off early in the morning during the first high tide, and returns in the middle afternoon during another high tide. Posted by Picasa

jangadas de aracati, ceara. Posted by Picasa

these boats weigh a tonne, and getting them onshore takes a few strong arms. everyone helps, and once the boats are safely ashore, the fish are sold right there. Posted by Picasa
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never too old Posted by Picasa

rolling in the jangadas. aracati, ceara Posted by Picasa

Thursday, April 27, 2006

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Wednesday, April 26, 2006

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aracati, ceara Posted by Picasa

Saturday, April 22, 2006

canoa quebrada, ceara Posted by Picasa

the outer neighborhood of canoa quebrada, only minutes away from the dozens of BBs, bars, restaurants, internet cafes and mini shops at the centre of the village, but miles away from the touristy lifestyles which intersect their own. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

in the midst of the natural beauty there was hardness. this is where a fisherman kept his tools, including his nets, jangada and related hunting gear. it is not where he lived, although he told me he spent a lot of time here, either in preparation or in contemplation. the sands around it weere littered with little aspects of human life, bottles, plastic, miniature rubbish. and a lot of dead desecating fish, the ones that didnt make it into the market, either out of purely random and unfortunate geographical isolation or because they arent the kind which fetches an acceptable monetary return for their weight. exposed under the intense, incessant and unforgivign sun, they bake, fry. i think these fotos give an impression of the heat, the arid, unsentimental death of those creatures paralysed under its intense gaze. even the clouds in this ocean front desert suffer the intensity of the sun, their whiteness communicating something like fleeing urgency as they blow away speedily, never giving up, or down, their waters. in a couple of occasions i found myself low on fresh water during my dementedly epic walks, and contemplated the cruel irony of so much water to my right, useless to me, and so much sand and sun to my left, seductively unforgiving, my throat drying of thirst astride this literal ocean of plenty. Posted by Picasa

the owner of the wooden shed by the beach and his bait. Posted by Picasa

sunbaked or manbaked this poor fella symbolizes the harsh realities of the living and dying chain. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

this is the main church in the town of aracati, which is the largest regional city near canoa quebrada. aracati is not on the coast. it is a flat and dusty town with as many horse-pulled carts as cars and a few banks and other useful services. to get here take a bus in fortaleza, which is the large capital city of the state of ceara. it takes about 3 hours to get here. to get to canoa quebrada take another bus, this time for about 30 minutes. Posted by Picasa

the main road in aracati. there is a daily market where local farmers bring their produce, and once a week there is a market for live animals, horses mainly. Posted by Picasa